British Shorthair Cattery

Просмотров: 5354

My name is Elena, I live in Moscow with my husband. I am breeder of the Black Classic Silver Tabby, Silver Spotteds and also varios solid coloured kittens in BLUE, LILAC, BLACK concentratting on Classic Silver Tabby.I started breeding in 2010 with our first silver tabby Sargenta Bonny and Silver spotted Sargenta Blade. Our passion is the beautiful British Shorthair, their lovely strong cobby build, wonderful laid back character and irrisistable charm. Silver's being our favourite the contrast between colours is amazing!! Our first cats were from Ursula Graves Sargenta and we will forever be grateful.

британская кошка

CH Sargenta Silver Bonnie

color:black silver tabby


the date of birth: 30.03.2010

Breeder: Ursula Graves

Owner : Zharova Elena

британская кошка

GICH Sargenta Silver Blade

color: black silver tabby spotted ns 24

the date of birth: 20.03.2010

Breeder: Ursula Graves

Owner : Zharova Elena

My prefix Kent Star is registered with the WCF( (World Cat Federation), I am a member of the cat club RosKosh.

My prefix Kent Start*RU is registered with the FIFe( (Federation Internationale Feline), I am a member of the cat club Bastet.

We aim to breed to the highest standard and produce healthy happy kittens, available both for pet homes and for showing. All of our kittens are raised in an indoor loving home environment with the rest of the family. The health of our cats and kittens is whats most important to us.

